In October 2023, I permanently relocated from Canada to Lithuania. My decisions for moving were multifaceted, but one of the biggest drivers was to connect to my Lithuanian heritage and…
Supporting a Partner with Borderline Personality Disorder Through Grief
Grieving the loss of a loved one is an inherently tumultuous experience, but for folks with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), grief can feel like an unending challenge rife with extremities….
Surviving Breakup Grief with Borderline Personality Disorder
In late 2022, I ended a nearly 7-year-long relationship with the person I thought I’d marry and start a family with. Like anyone in this position, many issues culminated in…
What the “Free Churro” Monologue from BoJack Horseman Can Teach Us About Grief
Spoiler alert for BoJack Horseman Season 5. For those of us who have had the pleasure (amidst the existential dread) of watching BoJack Horseman, we can attest to the standout…
Finding Healing Through Compassion: The Therapeutic Power of Kindness While Grieving
“I don’t know what to do with all the love I have for her. I don’t know where to put it now.” These poignant lines from the 2016 miniseries Fleabag…
Why it is Essential to Keep Memories of Those We’ve Lost Alive
In the early stages of 2020, as the pandemic ravaged the world faster than we could understand, I discovered that a childhood friend’s mom tragically lost her battle with COVID….
Beyond the Paycheck: Navigating the Emotional Fallout of Losing Your Job
Navigating job loss grief can feel hopeless and tiring, but maintaining a routine is the key to pushing through this period of limbo.
The Complicated Reality of Grieving Your Abuser
Contrary to popular belief, grieving your abuser’s death is not always cause for celebration. The reality of grieving your abuser is a complex array of emotions that can leave you feeling estranged from loved ones.
The Best & Worst Things to Say to a Person Grieving
The 4 Best Things to Say to a Person Grieving Even the most empathetic people can have trouble finding the right words for someone who is experiencing loss. Though you…
Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Breakup Grief: Understanding the Stages
Breakup Grief IS Grief—Full Stop. If you are like me, you might question how a breakup could feel so unbelievably painful. “Breakups happen every day. There’s simply no way this…