It was August of 2009. I was getting ready to head to freshman orientation at my high school. As we were preparing to leave, I briefly heard something about a…
The Shock of Sudden Loss: My Story of Grieving a Friend
I want to preface this article by stating that this is simply based on my own experience and some advice a friend gave me. Every grief experience is different, so…
Repressed Memories and Hard Decisions: My Path to Parental Estrangement
TW: trauma, abuse. Even if I attempted to recount my teenage years in a meager amount of detail, I wouldn’t be able to. It scares me to know that I…
A Year After My Mother Passed
Losing a parent hits you in a way that words can hardly define. It’s a deep, all-encompassing ache that settles into your core and steals the breath right from your…
Beyond the Paycheck: Navigating the Emotional Fallout of Losing Your Job
Navigating job loss grief can feel hopeless and tiring, but maintaining a routine is the key to pushing through this period of limbo.
Love and Loss: How My Canine Companion Changed My Understanding of Grief
In my life, I often thought there was something wrong with me as I’ve never known much grief in my life since my youth which is another story. In my life, I…
Why We Feel Guilty for Grieving: Unpacking the Emotional Conflict
Our society often has a disconnected way of navigating grief. While things like meal trains and house upkeep can help a person cope as they grieve, the feelings of comparison…
The Dangers of Platitudes When it Comes to Grief
“Your mom would want you to be happy.” I heard this a lot while navigating the new world that existed without my mom. Of course, my mom would want me…
Navigating the Waves of Grief
Grief has often been compared to the sea. Some days the waves crash all around you, requiring you to fight to survive. Other days the sea is choppy, and though…
I Think What You Are Going Through Is Grief.
In December 2011, my grandfather passed away and my life spiraled out of control. I hated the world, I hated my career, I felt the world (or God) was being…